High interest in mosque bazaar

Stoke Newington mosque’s annual pre-Ramadan event attracts well-wishers and visitors

A summer bazaar organised by the Aziziye Mosque ahead of Ramadan attracted plenty of interest from Muslims and other ethnic groups alike.

Proceeds from the event were donated to the restoration and improvement fund for the Stoke Newington mosque, as well as its weekend school classes.

Many food stalls were available during the event

Turkey’s ambassador to the UK Abdurrahman Bilgiç and Çınar Ergin, the London consul-general, were among those attending the bustling bazaar, known as a “kermes” in Turkish.

Stands at the event included many foodstuffs including kebabs. The Aziziye mosque müftü, Fahri Baltan, and Aziziye chairman Sinan Zorlu thanked participants for attending the event.

“Our aim is absolutely not to acquire financial profit,” Mr Zorlu said.

“We want to bring the community together and increase our feelings of unity and togetherness. We are delighted that interest in the kermes is notably higher than it even was last year.”

The Aziziye Mosque in north London

A short prayer for participants went as follows: “May almighty Allah prevent those who have sponsored or contributed to our kermes from hunger, unemployment and a loss of prayer. May their children grow to be healthy and fruitful.”